Contact TME: 0755 8666 0094
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NEPCON JAPAN is one of the greatest modern technology fairs in the region. Just like in previous years, the fair will be accompanied by six related thematic events that will present the electronic industry in a multifaceted, comprehensive manner. Make sure you use this opportunity to find out about the latest trends.

TME will be there again this year. Visit us (stand 19-38) and check out what we have prepared for our Clients.


Tokyo Big Sight

3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku,

Tokyo, Japan 135-0063

Stand: 19-38

Opening hours:

25-27.01.2023 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Credit Limit

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Dear Customer, The value of the current order exceeds the maximum limit. To proceed, please contact our Sales Team at [email protected] or simply call us: 0755 8666 0094