Contact TME: 0755 8666 0094
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Company data

We don't require any documents to register an account or place an order.

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Cooperation conditions consent
I declare that I have read the TME Terms of Cooperation published on and I agree to have my orders processed in accordance with these Terms.
Marketing consent
I hereby agree to the processing of my data for marketing purposes, i.e. to send marketing messages to my email account.
Telemarketing consent
I hereby agree to the processing of my data for marketing purposes – phone calls to the number I have given.
Statement of compliance with export control and sanctions regulations
I declare that goods purchased from Transfer Multisort Elektronik Sp. z o.o. or any of its subsidiaries will not be subject to direct or indirect re-export, resale, or other provision to entities and authorities in the Russian Federation or Belarus or for use in the Russian Federation or Belarus. I declare that I will comply with all sanctions and regulations, including those regarding export control and sanctions imposed in response to Russia's military aggression against Ukraine.
Customer profiling consent
I hereby agree to the automated processing of my data (profiling). Consequently, a decision will be issued to create a client's personalised offer and product purchasing terms.
Information obligation
1.    Transfer Multisort Elektronik sp. z o.o., ul. Ustronna 41, 93-350 Łódź hereby informs you that it will be the controller of your personal data;

Credit Limit

Credit limit alert

Dear Customer, The value of the current order exceeds the maximum limit. To proceed, please contact our Sales Team at [email protected] or simply call us: 0755 8666 0094