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TME Education is a project that aims to provide education and equipment concerning electronics and modern technology in regions where access to them is difficult. We are now celebrating the 6th birthday of this project.

Our journey began in Ghana. Today, we cooperate with 44 ambassadors and tutors across a number of African countries and in India. We have already established contact with hundreds of educational institutions – schools, universities, community centres, vocational training centres, etc. We co-organise and support educational initiatives and trainings for both teachers and students.

The mission of the TME Education project is to respond to the growing interest of younger generations in electronics. Our goal is to show how this field of technology may improve the quality of life of local communities. Practice is the best teacher, therefore we've created our educational kits and Arduino-based boards, which are suitable for both beginners and more advanced electronics enthusiasts. With their help, our ambassadors hold training sessions, during which the project participants develop a variety of electronics projects.

Moreover, we participate in international ventures, such as Arduino Week or Community Changemakers, during which teams supported by our ambassadors create projects that address the needs of their local communities, e.g. egg incubators, remote control field irrigation systems, vending machines with intimate hygiene products or drinking water filter.

If you want to learn more about TME Education, follow our social media accounts:


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