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The electronicAsia trade fair is one of the major electronics industry events in the region. The exhibition is geared towards engineers, designers, as well as representatives of the electronics industry who would like to keep up to date with state-of-the-art solutions in areas such as IoT technologies, 5G networks, sustainable electronics or automation and robotics. It goes without saying that TME's representatives could not be missing from the list of exhibitors.
Feel invited to visit our booth – 5B-E24 and explore our offer. 
Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (Harbour Road Entrance)
Hongkong, China
Booth : 5B-E24
Opening hours:
13-15 October 2023 09:30AM-06:30PM
16 October 2023 09:30AM-05:00PM

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