Contact TME: 0755 8666 0094
First choice distributor
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Add To Cart Duplicate

The product you try to add is already in your cart. Do you want to increase its quantity or add another cart position?


The price displayed is related to the actual number of products ordered.
The price at the time of sale is the price published by TME on the delivery date website or the price agreed by the TME authorized staff. The price published on the TME website is related to the number of products available for purchase at the time of order placement. The price of the product may change when the stock is insufficient or zero. The price of the product that has been prepaid will not change.
Remember that the price of the product depends on the quantity of the order! In case of a large number of items, the price can be negotiated.

Credit Limit

Credit limit alert

Dear Customer, The value of the current order exceeds the maximum limit. To proceed, please contact our Sales Team at [email protected] or simply call us: 0755 8666 0094