Bridge rectifiers are among the most popular semiconductor components. They are predominantly used in converter circuits to change alternating current into a DC power source. However, this is only one of their applications, as they can also be used in intermediary circuits (switched-mode converters), in signal processing and even as a type of a logic gate (XOR). Nevertheless, they are most often installed in circuits operating at significantly high voltages and they are required to handle relatively high currents. That is why this week we would like to draw the attention of our customers to the bridge rectifiers by DC COMPONENTS.
In the first place, it should be noted that the bridge rectifiers we offer are low-profile SMD components (ABS package). They can effectively operate at voltages from 1.1 V to 1 kV (maximum reverse voltage from 50 V to 1 kV). Their forward current is up to 0.8 A, while the peak pulse current value can reach even up to 25 A, thanks to which they can be used in various types of circuits, including those handling inductive loads (motor controllers, servomechanisms etc.).
It should also be noted that the DC COMPONENTS bridge rectifiers presented here are glass passivated, i.e. their junction is covered with a glass layer. This way, we get circuits that are highly resistant to electrical breakdowns and safe at the same time. This method also makes it possible to produce small-sized components, meeting the needs of modern power supplies, consumer goods, industrial modules and other compact devices.
Specification | |
Type of bridge rectifier | single-phase |
Max. reverse voltage* | 20…1000 V |
Forward current | 0.8 A |
Peak pulse current* | 25 A |
Package | ABS |
Electrical mounting method | SMT |
Kind of packaging | reel, tape |
Max. forward voltage | 1.1 V |
Properties | glass passivated |
* depending on the model